Yacht Club Port Bourgas


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Yacht Club "Port Burgas" was found on 26.11.1976 by a group of enthusiasts - employees of Port Burgas. The idea for creating yacht club originated in 1975 by the former director of the port capt. Nikola Runev.

For those years competitors from Yacht Club "Port Burgas" have won more than 150 national titles and the number of other prizes from sailing events are almost uncountable. Thanks to the success of its sailors, Yacht Club "Port Burgas" took the first place among sailors clubs in Bulgaria and more than 25 years dominates in all sailing classes developed in the club. More than the half of the members of national teams of class "Optimist" and Olimpic classes "470" and "Lazer" are sailors from Yacht Club "Port Burgas".

Find us

Burgas, 1 "Alexander Batenberg" Street
Coordinats : 42.48480225, 27.48220634
Yacht Club Port Bourgas

Contact us

Website: www.yachtclubportbourgas.org/
E-mail: yachtclubportbourgas@gmail.com
Phone: +359 888950344
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