The traditional movie initiative "Cinema under the stars" begins. The start is tonight, 22 June, from 21.00 hours at open-air stage "Ohluva".
Movie fans in Burgas start the season with the Argentinian production "Medianeras" from 2011. The director Gustavo Tareto touches the topic of fated chance, which changes out lives in their foundations. The plot follows from a distance Martin and Mariana, who meet, but walk past each other in the big city. The main cast is Javier Drolas, Pilar Lopez de Ayala, Ines Efron and others.
During the whole summer season residents and guests of Burgas will have the chance to enjoy one cinema adventure from France /from 13 to 16 July/, Portugal /from 17 to 23/, Kazakhstan /from 26 to 29/.
Russian and Bulgarian cinema will be shown in August, and the beginning of September is reserved for movies from the Czech Republic.
All the movie projections are with free entrance