What gathers at one place the elite of Burgas art community - Nencho Rusev, Georgi Bostandjiev, Georgi Dinev, Yordan Petrov, Krasimir Zinin, Petar Petsin and Foti Fotev? Of course it is the newest project "Nostalgichno" /Nostalgic/. The exhibition is already arranged in the hall of the Association of painters /on str. "Aleksandrovska" 22/ and will be opened today, the 15th of June, from 18.00 hours.
55 works from the past century - black and white drawing, plastic and normal art, tell about a meeting-memory, for the possibilities, the experiments and the new horizons, that have excited the artists during the 70's, 80's and 90's of the 20th century.
The unique exhibition will be open for guests and residents of the city until the end of June.