"I am happy to receive the award of BG RADIO in front of my favorite Burgas audience", said Toni Dimitrova. On Saturday on the stage of the Summer theater she will be awarded with the prize "Ana Maria Tonkova" for BG Inspiration.
For the first time the ceremony for giving these prestigious music awards will have to stages - one in Blagoevgrad and one in Burgas! The music event will be held on 23 May, and NOVA TV will show a recording of it the next day - 24 May - Holiday of Slavic writing and culture.
The residents of Burgas will have the chance to become a part of the biggest music event in the country with a concert of Toni Dimitrova and friends - Stefan Diomov, "The five seasons", Iskren Petsov, band G.R.A.S., Rosen Senovski and Ivan Chenov. On stage will also be the favorite announcers of BG RADIO!
The tickets for the stage of Summer theater - Burgas are in sale at the ticket office of Home of the oil chemist. Prices are 7, 10, 15 and 20 lv. Telephone for contact - 0894 898 098.
Tickets are also sold in the network of TicketPro.
Like every year the winners will be decided by the listeners of BG RADIO.