For a fourth consecutive year Regional information center – Burgas, together with Municipality Burgas, organizes a holiday celebration of 9 May – Day of Europe, with the initiative “Days of Europe in Burgas”.
The initiative will be held from 7 to 12 May and includes information events, concerts, theater, fun and educational games, exhibitions and sports events.
In the program are included a Sports holiday in Professional high school “Konstantin Fotinov”, European bike ride, performances of State puppet theater Burgas, European workshop “Europe in colors” and competitions “Europe for kids”.
Two conferences, devoted to science, education and opportunities for training in countries – members of the EU, will gather teachers, school and university students, and on the Day of Europe a big concert is planned, with the participation of famous performers from Burgas.
In the framework of the initiative, every day in front of Municipality Burgas will be located representatives of Regional information center – Burgas, who will answer relevant questions on European topics.
Regional information center – Burgas has the pleasure to invite all who wish to be a part of our European holiday.