An information kiosk and two models of the common dolphin tell about the Black Sea and its inhabitants, but also about the global problem of waste pollution. Visitors to the Natural History Exposition of RIM Burgas will get acquainted with the species of dolphins found in the Black Sea, the sounds they make, but also the alarming information about the degree of pollution with waste in wetlands and especially Lake Pomorie. Research conducted in 2018 in this wetland confirms the general trend that the largest share of waste is artificial polymeric materials.
The installation is part of the BSB142 BioLearn project "Environmental awareness and behavior to stop pollution in significant wetlands of the Black Sea Basin", funded by the Joint Operational Program for Cross-Border Cooperation "Black Sea Basin 2014-2020" and implemented by NGO Green Balkans. It will be available for viewing in the hall of the Natural Science Exposition at 30 K. Fotinov Street until the end of the summer.