A series of online meetings will help Burgas artists apply to the Ministry of Culture with personal projects. The events will be organized in partnership with the Municipality of Burgas and the Regional Information Center, and aim to provide additional explanations and guidance to artists in shaping their project ideas and filling out forms for financial assistance in open sessions of the Ministry.
The first two consultations will be held on March 24 / Wednesday / and March 26 / Friday /. Both meetings will be realized with the Zoom platform from 16.00. The sessions are open to creative projects in the field of music art. Under the first, the National Culture Fund provides scholarships for young and prominent artists (performers) in the field of pop, rock and jazz music. The second provides financial support for projects to create works, events, concerts and performances in the field of musical art.
More information about the two online meetings:
The first information meeting with the topic:
Presentation of the program "Creative scholarships to support young and prominent artists in the field of pop, rock and jazz music" of NFC (https://programs.ncf.bg/web/files/sessions/152/terms_document/2021-uslovia- tvorcheski-stipendii.pdf)
Date 24.03.2021 (Wednesday)
Time 16:00
Link to the meeting https://zoom.us/j/94458442986?pwd=d0w2bThhVHQwVXdQVnRvN1gzYVRkZz09
Meeting ID: 944 5844 2986
Passcode: burgas
Second information meeting on:
Presentation of a program of the Ministry of Culture for financial support of projects for the creation of works, events, concerts and performances in the field of musical art (http://mc.government.bg/contestsc.php?c=2386)
Date March 26, 2021 (Friday)
Time 16:00
Link to the meeting https://zoom.us/j/98470231196?pwd=SDVaNHlOaUgwRzgzVUVkdlpkMCtCZz09
Meeting ID: 984 7023 1196
Passcode: burgas