"Sofia Film Fest on the Shore" opens this Thursday with the Bulgarian-French production "February". Beginning - 19:00 in the Cultural Center "NHK".
A poetic account of the events of a man's life - as a boy of 8, a young man of 18 and an old man of 82. His path in life seems predestined and monotonous - in his hometown and beyond, in heat and cold, but at all times invisible force seems to guide him. It is a part of us and in a mysterious way makes us move forward, towards death.
A contemplative and elegiac triptych that captures the life of a man, Kamen Kalev's film "February" is an unusual portrait of what the director calls a non-standard person: his own grandfather - a restrained man with a complex character, lived a modest life in a village in Eastern Bulgaria.
The guests are the director Kamen Kalev, the producer Filip Todorov and the actor Hristo Dimitrov - Hindo
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBMWZnwK2H0