1. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds by rubbing the soap well into the skin❗
2. Stay at least 3-4 steps away from people showing cold symptoms❗
3. Cover your mouth and nose with a disposable towel while you sneeze or cough
If you do not have such a towel, use the inside of your elbow.
4. Avoid physical contact such as shaking hands and hugging
5. Do not touch your eyes, mouth or nose with your hands❗
6. Cancel or postpone your travels abroad❗
7. Stay at home for 14 days after returning from abroad❗
8. Ventilate frequently
9. Wash your clothes at 60 ° C-90 ° C with detergent❗
10. Clean frequently used surfaces such as door handles, lamp switches, sink faucets with water and detergent every day❗
11. If you have cold symptoms, avoid contact with people, especially the elderly and those with chronic diseases, and do not go out without wearing a mask❗
12. Do not share your personal belongings such as towels, for example❗
13. Drink enough fluids, maintain a balanced diet, pay attention to your sleep regime❗
14. If you are shaking, coughing and feel short of breath, go to a medical facility wearing a mask❗