The National Academy of Arts - Burgas Branch and the Burgas Artists Association, with the assistance of the Municipality of Burgas, are launching a joint initiative "Let's be in solidarity today so we can create tomorrow". It is in support of measures to overcome the effects of Covid - 19.
The creators, despite the difficult moment, are united and ready to give a piece of themselves as moral and material support to the front line people who risk their lives in overcoming the crisis.
According to the will of the donors, with one part of the funds from the sold works of Burgas artists will be purchased protective equipment for the front line medics. The rest will set up a project fund to compete on a competitive basis, as one of the measures to assist free artists.
Authors may send photos of the works with which they wish to participate in by e-mail: p.parushev@burgas.bg, or to: Burgas, "G. Baev" Gallery, 6 "Demokratsiya" Str., in order to prepare the virtual gallery.
The collected works will be published on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/542108776732365/. The format is open.
Donors can obtain information about the value of the works at 0885 22 62 94. Anyone wishing to purchase an item from the gallery should note this in their comments and it will be removed from the online exhibition.