In December, the iconic work of Oscar Wilde - "The Picture of Dorian Gray" will be in Burgas. The adaptation of John O'Connor and Merlin Holland, directed by Stayko Murdzhev, will be presented on December 4 (Wednesday) at the Opera House.
In the lead roles we will see Sevar Ivanov, Kalin Vrachanski, Alexander Hadjiangelov, Gergana Tsakova, Pepa Maneva, Mariana Boneva, Kancho Kanev, Albena Chobanova, Lachezar Katsarski, Boyan Petrov, Martin Lazarevski, Aladin Alibrahim, Bozhidar Yordanov, Yordan Varbanov.
Tickets on the cash desk "The Clock" /in front of Hotel "Bulgaria"/. For more information: 0894 898 098-Marusya Ruseva, organizer.