The winter schedule of flights to and from Bourgas and Varna airports is already valid. It applies to the winter season, which lasts until March 31, 2020, according to Fraport. The winter schedule at Burgas Airport starts with 4 flights a week to Moscow (Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday) with S7 and 2 flights a week to London (Monday and Friday) served by Wizz Air.
From the beginning of the year to the end of September, Burgas Airport have served more than 2.81 million passengers. For the same time period, among the top 5 destinations from which Burgas Airport welcomes the largest number of passengers are: Moscow, Prague, London, Tel Aviv and Katowice. The busiest day of the year was August 2, with a total of 35,649 passengers handled. In 2019 Burgas airport was operating with 10 new airlines and has served three new destinations - Durham, UK; Kherson, Ukraine; and Lamezia, Italy.
Since the beginning of 2019 by mid-October, Burgas Airport reports a 12% drop in passengers and Varna Airport minus 12%. Experts comment that this is a normal development, given over 50% growth achieved in 2015-2018 and a record all-time high in 2018.