The Thracian Society "Exarch Antim I" and "Trakia-2015" Community center announce a drawing contest on "Georgi Kondolov - a life devoted to freedom". The competition is held with the support of the Municipality of Burgas and is dedicated to March 26, Day of Thrace.
Conditions for participation:
- deadline - March 22, 2019 incl.;
- address for receiving the drawings: Burgas, 5 "Kont Andrananti" Str., fl. 2, tel. 056/84 14 15, trakiabs@gmail.com;
- participants - 1st group: students from I - IV grade;
2nd group: students from V - VIII grade;
- without limitation to the size of the works and drawing technique.
Awarding Ceremony: March 27 at 18:00 in the hall of the Thracian Society, 5 "Kont Androvanti" Str., fl.2.