The orchestra of the State Opera - Burgas with a group of "Kikimora" and Nicolo Kotsev will mark the beginning of this year's season with a compilation of the eternal rock hits of the twentieth century. This will happen on February 8 at 7 pm in the hall of the Opera.
"Jump" of Van Halen, "Living on a prayer" of Bon Jovi, "Highway to hell" of AC/DC, "Since you've been gone" and "Gates of Babylon" of Rainbow, "Kashmir" and "Stairway to heaven" of Led Zeppelin", "Bohemian rhapsody"of Queen, "Paradise city" of Guns'n Roses", "July morning" of Uriah Heep and many other songs will sound on stage under the baton of Tsanislav Petkov, and this will be just some of the surprises for music fans.
In the month of love and wine, the celebrations will continue with the romantic project of Orlin Goranov and Edelina Kaneva "Tale for Two". The most tender love songs will sound a day before Valentine's Day- on February 13.
Traditionally, the State Opera - Burgas does not forget and its youngest viewers. The premiere of the opera "Max and Moritz" on the music of Alexander Yosifov is scheduled for 23 February.
Tickets for all events can be found at the cash desk of the Opera House, as well as at https://www.eventim.bg/.