Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Bisser Petkov, signed a partnership agreement. The activities set out in the document will help to increase the qualification of the unemployed with the necessary knowledge and skills according to the demand of the tourism industry.
The pilot project provides for people registered as unemployed at the Employment Agency to be trained in the Bulgarian-German Center for Professional Training, in the centers in Tsarevo and Smolyan. The funds for training programs this year are granted by the National Action Plan on Employment. The duration of training will be determined by the center and the professions in which will be trained jobseekers are for hotels, restaurants, catering, valet, concierge, porter, cook, waiter, bartender and others. After passing the training course, a certificate of professional competence will be issued.
By the end of the year about 250 people will be trained.