And this year, the applications for the annual awards in tourism can be submitted in professional and journalistic categories, there is also a separate group for municipalities. The categories are 16, the applications are submitted online on the platform www.tourismawards.bg. There are described in details all the conditions that the participants need to meet.
All applicants can submit their application by mid-October. Then those who meet the criteria will be announced on the official site of the Awards and the voting will begin. Through online vote will be selected the winners in each category and winners will be announced at a ceremony in December.
The categories for which applications may be submitted are:
1. "Tourist attraction / object";
2. "Tourist event";
3. "The Spirit of Bulgaria";
4. "Specialized tourism";
5. "Tourist Destination";
6. "Innovations";
7. "Journalistic material on tourism in Bulgaria in printed media";
8. "Journalistic material on tourism in Bulgaria in online media";
9. "Journalistic material about tourism in Bulgaria on an internet blog";
10. "Journalistic material on tourism in Bulgaria in radio";
11. "Journalistic material on tourism in Bulgaria in television";
12. "Municipality for mountain tourism";
13. "Municipality for maritime tourism";
14. "Municipality for balneology and SPA tourism";
15. "Municipality for cultural and historical tourism";
16. The Grand Prize - "The Choice of Bulgarians", is defined among all the objects included in the "100 national" and "50 little known places".