"Aquae calidae" meets us with the legend of the three nymphs

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This Sunday everyone participating in the art workshops will be touched by the ethereal nature of the nymphs - the waterguards of the most famous legend of Aquae calidae. 

The upcoming edition of "Art-and-Facts" will introduce children and to art glass and calligraphy, as well as with the history of Aquae calidae.

Join the Sunday celebration for children, organized from 11:00 to 13:00. The fee for 1 workshop is 3 BGN, with 3D projection in the museum included. For participation in the second workshop, one additional lev is paid.

For contacts: 088 200 4126, akvekalide@gotoburgas.com.


Последна промяна: 12:05, 16 May 2018