"ART-AND-FACTS" is a new initiative in the Tourist complex "Aquae calidae". Every Sunday a creative workshop will be organized, introducing children to a different kind of art or craft. Once a month, the event will grow into a large festival and will present a variety of activities for crafting, as well as other entertainment for children - music, dancing, theater, riding and more.
On Sunday, April 8, Easter, the holiday will begin with the artistic decoration of a giant egg measuring 1.20 m / 0.60 m. Students from the artistic classes of School "St. St. Cyril and Methodius"-Burgas, in the class of Tanya Stoyanova, will demonstrate decorative techniques and skills.
On the same day, the Easter Edition of "Art-And-Facts" will also be launched - the "Aquae calidae"`s initiative for Children's Art Workshops. The kids will make decorative eggs, Easter baskets and chicks, and every visitor to the Museum on Easter will receive a handmade Easter gift. The price for participation in the workshop is 3 BGN.
In the following Sundays, "Art-And-Facts" will introduce the children at"Aquae calidae" with other arts. Thracian masks and colorful figures of wars and mythological heroes will be made on April 15th.
On April 22, we will dedicate ourselves to ecology on the occasion of the International Earth Day. Artists will teach children how to make pieces of recycled plastics and cards with legendary heroes from "Aquae calidae".
"Art-And-Facts" on April 29 will pay special attention to the nymphs-guarders of the aquatic waters of "Aquae calidae".
All Sunday workshops in "Aquae calidae" begin at 11:00.
On the International Day of Dance, April 29, the audience at "Aquae calidae" will enjoy the grace and rhythm of "The Body and Movement" - a dance performance starting at 14:00.
For more information and reservations: 0882 00 41 26, akvekalide@gotoburgas.com