This Friday in the Historical Museum will tell us about "Roman roads in Southeastern Thrace according to Roman maps"

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An astonishingly detailed Roman map - edited from the 2nd to the 4th century - has reached to date only in one copy made in the XII-XIII century, called Tabula Poittingeriana (Penitentiary Map). The mysteries and decisions in these documents alternate with curious sequence. What will they tell us about the Roman roads and road stations in Southeastern Thrace, which theories and hypotheses will be confirmed and which not?

You will find out on February 2 (Friday) at 4 pm with Konstantin Gospodinov, archaeologist at the museum, at the next public lecture organized by the Regional History Museum in Burgas in the exhibition hall of the Historical Exposition (31 "Lermontov" Str. entrance from "Georgi Kirkov" Str.).

The entrance fee for the lectures is preferential. The price for adults is 2 lev and for students and pensioners - 1 lev.

Последна промяна: 15:02, 01 February 2018