What do Burgas, Amsterdam and Paris have in common? - One artistic family - Yordanovi, two parallel exhibitions - in the painting gallery "Petko Zadgorski" and CC "Sea casino", over 40 author's paintings - black and white drawing, paintings, lithography, ceramic works, illuminated sculptures and abstract plastic works will present the indestructible bond between the generations in the real artistic circumrotation of time. These are some of the reasons to visit the City gallery and the Cultural center in Burgas, in the days from 5th to 28 October.
The official opening of the exhibition "Forms of the time" will be held on 5th October /Monday/ from 18.00 hours in gallery "Petko Zadgorski". Here will be presented over 40 author's works by family Yordanovi. Now is the moment to present to you, a short presentation of the family - Vladimir Yordanov (1890-1983), painter and scenographer Burgas. Lyubomir Yordanov (1934-2012) white and black artist, painter and scenographer - Bulgaria, France, Italy; Zdravka Olekova (1936) sculptor-ceramist, Bulgaria, France, Italy; Daniela Yordanova (1961) painter, art installations, Bulgaria, France; Stefan Yordanov (1972) painter, lighting art - Bulgaria, Holland.
A day later, on October 6 from 18.00 hours in hall "Al. G. Kodjakafaliyata" in the "Sea casino" will be presented the co-op project of Daniela and Stefan Yordanov, brother and sister. They both live and work abroad. Daniela has been living for 26 years in France, and Stefan resides in Amsterdam.
"I have great personal memories of Burgas. The city carries artistic dynamics and romantics of the world renowned cultural centers. I still remember clearly, how my grandfather took me with him, when he was painting in the open; I remember the colors of the palette. In front - the port, the sea, the Sea garden. That is what is left." - shared Daniela Yordanova.
Residents and guests of the city will witness one unique exhibition of contemporary art. A total of 8 sculptures will be displayed in the Casino - a wing of Pegasus, a flying fish, dog, cat, and abstract elements.
The curious during the making of the lighting art is, that the LED lighting is placed on real skulls and bones.
*The initiative is part of the multi-discipline project "Evolution, forms of freedom" visiting in different European cities in the period 2014 - 2020 in the memory of the painter Lyubomir Yordanov /1934-2012/, born in Burgas. The collection presents his big contribution for the incorporation of the Bulgarian black and white drawing art in the European artistic culture.
The exhibition includes also paintings by Vladimir YORDANOV /1890-1983/ (father of Lyubomir Yordanov), a great example of Bulgarian impressionism. He is one of the first avangardistes in Bulgaria. As a scenographer of Burgas theater, he had over 150 plays, some of which have entered the golden fund of the Bulgarian theater.
**The exhibitions "Vital energy" and "Forms of the sky" are realized by Municipality Burgas and Art gallery "Petko Zadgorski". Residents and guests of the city can see them for free every week-day from 10.30 to 19.00 hours.