The man's world in the beginning of the 20th century is the topic of the visiting exhibition of Regional history museum Targoviste, which will be opened in Burgas ethnographic museum on September 2 (Wednesday) from 17:30 hours, under the sounds of old town songs.
"Az sam Goshko hubavetsa" /I am Goshko the pretty guy/ presents the city man from a new time (the ened of XIX century and the start of XX century) in his surroundings - on the street, in the barber shop, in the café or pub, the tailors salon or in the photo atelier.
The exhibition gives opportunity to the visitor to feel the atmosphere of the old city, in the romantics of the past "manly times", when to be a gentleman was a question of honor and dignity - the image of Goshko from the famous Bulgarian old town song. The man's vanity is presented under the form of everyday habits, clothing and accessories.
The visitors of all age groups can experience, get to know or remind themselves of the typical man's crafts of the barber, the tailor, the tavern-keeper, the shoeblack through reenactments, which give an opportunity to be shown different interesting and forgotten man's clothes, dressing accessories, everyday attributes like canes, rosary, umbrella, tobacco case, pipe, watch and more.