The famous Russian poetess, author of 21 poetic books and texts of more than 250 songs on the music of famous composers, vice-president of the Academy for Russian literature and fine arts, Valentina Sergeeva will present her woks in Burgas. The musical-poetic meeting under the name "Let's understand each other" will be held on 10 September in hall "Petya Dubarova" in the Sea casino. Songs from verses of Valentina Sergeeva perform a series of famous Russian signers and actors. Except, being an author of poetry books and doctor of economic studies, Valentina Sergeeva is author of 90 patent inventions and scientific discoveries. She is awarded the silver and golden medal of the innovational salon in Brussels and golden medal from the international exhibition in Geneva. She has been awarded with many state and public prizes, among which is a medal of the Belgian government "Chevalier". For works devoted to astronautics, the International fund for support of Russian astronautics awarded Valentina Sergeeva a medal "Yuri Gagarin" and the mark of "Guards of astronautics". On the jubilee mark on occasion 50 years from the first flight in space are written stanzas of the poem of Valentina Sergeeva "I believe".
Along with Sergeeva in the meeting will take part Sergey Zyikov, winner of Grand prix of festival "Romanciada", laureate of Russian and international competitions.
The meeting is held with the help of Burgas writers society.