Over 230 participants will show their skills in the fourth edition of Burgas Roller-skates fest. The attractive event will be held on 15 and 16 August /Saturday and Sunday/. The event will be under the motto "Street Burgas", and the message - "Be responsible". The roller-skates fest will support the initiatives of the Commission for prevention the traffic of people, aiming to inform the youth about eventual threats, from which they can guard themselves.
The fans of street culture of different ages will have a meeting at the monument Panteona /Sea garden/ at 10.30 hours on 15 August. Right after the official ceremony will start the big street tour of the Sea garden. In it will take part riders with roller-skates, skateboards, longboards and bicycles.
Starting from Saturday we will witness the first roller-skates competitions, which will be for children up to and over 16 years. Without a doubt the most attractive will be the over 16 roller-skates riders, who will participate in cross country, short destination with different obstacles. From 16:00 hours at the new skate park in housing complex "Izgrev" will be held an attractive skateboard competition. In the late afternoon from 18.00 hours everyone will have the chance to watch and take part in the open lessons for street dancing - an open dance workshop, brake dance workshop, and for a final of the day - the absolutely needed stretching exercise.
During the second festival day, 16 August, in the program we will see a fun riding school for mothers and fathers, with free lessons for anyone who wants to learn, a derby for fastest passing through an obstacle course, demonstrations and for the final a Street dance show.
*If the weather conditions are bad most of the events will happen at the Youth culture center, street Gladstone 47.
**The usage of protectors is mandatory for all participants in Rollerfest 2015.
"Roller fest" 2015 is organized by Municipality Burgas, Association "Roller club Burgas" and the National commission for prevention of human traffic, with the cooperation of Happy Junior, "Tandem", REEXE.com, Roleri.net, Tempish, Amnesia-skate shop, Bookstores Helikon, The reading man, Live active and Radio FM+.
Full program:
1st day - Saturday, 15 August
Burgas, Sea garden, monument Panteon
10:30 - Official opening of National festival of roller skates 2015 and tour of the Sea garden with roller-skates, skateboards, longboards and bicycles.
12:00 - Registration for the competitions
13:00 - Roller-skates competition for children /up to 16 years/ - competition for fastest covering of a short distance - 3 laps
14:00 - Roller-skates competition for children /up to 16 years/ - competition for fastest covering of a long distance
15:00 - Cross country on roller-skates, short distance /over 16 years/ - competition for masters with different obstacles
18:00 - 19:00 - Waacking Dance Workshop
19:00 - 20:00 -Break Dance Workshop
20:00 - 21:00 -Stretching
1st day - Saturday, 15 August
Place: Burgas, Skate park in housing complex "Izgrev"
16:00 - 21:00 - Skate competition
2nd day - Sunday, 16 August
Burgas, Sea garden, monument Panteon
10:00 - Fun roller-skates school for parents - free lessons
13:00 - Speed derby
16:00 - Demonstration of FSK - presentation of different combination from Freestyle
19:30 - 21:00 - Street dance show + lessons
21:00 - Closing ceremony of Rollerfest 2015