Old beautiful Bulgarian adornments are becoming storytellers of the life of the Bulgarians from the past centuries. These adornments are part of the exhibiton "Treasures of the old chest", which will be opened for the public on August 13 from 18:30 hours in hall "Al. G. Kodjakafaliyata" in the Sea casino and will remain there until September 30. The exhibition is organized by Municipality Burgas, Regional history museum Burgas and Regional ethnographic museum Plovdiv.
The exhibits are gathered from the whole Bulgarian ethnic territory and are connected mainly with the period of Bulgarian revival (XVIII - the start of XX century). Different types of women's ornaments have been picked out - earrings, chinstraps, necklaces, plastrons, broches, medallions, amulets, buckles, bracelets and more.
The exhibits are made from silver and gold with different techniques - forging, casting and filigree. The rich decoration of the items also shows many details about the social status and life of their owners.
The exhibition shows not only the beauty of the adornments, but also their role as means to protect oneself from evil influences. The magic gestures are coded in the position of the adornment on the body - the plastrons protect the heart and the mother's milk, the belts are like watchful eyes, which protect the womb of the woman, and secure the continuation of the family line and so on.
The exhibition can be seen every day from Monday to Sunday.
Ticket prices:
Adults - 5 leva
Students - 2 leva
Pensioners - 2 leva
Children under 7 and people with disabilities - free