On July 14 and July 19 "Adriana Budevska" DT will present to the audience on St. Anastasia island the theatrical production "Insanity" by Sam Bobrik. The performance is with the participation of Asen Blatechki, Koyna Ruseva, Nikol Karabinova, Nikola Parashkevov, Stefan Ivanov.
20:00 - departure from "Magazia 1"
21:00 - start of the show
22:30 - departure for "Magazia 1"
23:00 - arrival of "Magazia 1"
* Boarding the ship, for departure to the Island, begins at 19:30.
Ticket price: 35 leva, transport included. Tickets are sold at: - ticket offices of DT "Adriana Budevska". For information: 056/84 22 66, 056/84 60 40;
-Tourist Information Center "Clock". For information: 056/82 57 72;
-Tourist Information Center "Magazia 1". For more information: 0882 004 124
Island Theater: "Insanity" - with A. Blatechki and K. Ruseva