On Tuesday, August 31, 2021, in the Archaeological Museum - Burgas, from 11:00, a press conference will be held on the results of underwater archaeological excavations in the bays of Chengene Scaffolding and Foros in the summer of 2021. Supervisors will be present of the researches - Prof. Dr. Ivan Hristov, Deputy Director of the National History Museum - Sofia, Dr. Naiden Prahov - Director of the Center for Underwater Archeology in Sozopol, as well as Mr. Dimitar Nikolov - Mayor of Municipality of Burgas and Mrs. Diana Savateva - Deputy Mayor of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Municipality of Burgas. The press conference will be led by Dr. Milen Nikolov, Director of RIM-Burgas - the institution that is a major partner in research funded by the Municipality of Burgas. In parallel with the press conference, the Regional History Museum - Burgas (RHM-Burgas), together with the Center for Underwater Archeology (CPA) at the Ministry of Culture and the National History Museum (NIM), will open the joint exhibition "Black Sea Glass Treasure and the Archaeological Heritage of Chengene Bay “. It was implemented within the project of CPA "Glass treasure from the depths of the Black Sea. Presentation of a unique collection of late medieval glass vessels found under water in the Burgas Bay ", which is funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria. The exhibition will present the collections of RIM-Burgas and NIM from an archeological site - "Site of post-medieval glass vessels in the bay Chengene scaffolding", as well as other finds found in the bay in the explorations in 2020 and 2021, funded by the Municipality of Burgas and organized by RHM- Burgas.
"The Black Sea Glass Treasure and the Archaeological Heritage of Chengene skele".