75 years of Burgas Art Gallery

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The exhibition is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the establishment of an art gallery in the city of Burgas and the 55th anniversary of its relocation to the building of the specially reconstructed Jewish synagogue.

        The exhibition New Arrivals in the Gallery's Collection 2016 - 2021. presents purchased, awarded and donated works.

        The anniversary of BHG is celebrated with a series of exhibitions and events in 2021:

Traveling exhibition "75 years of Burgas Art Gallery" Petko Zadgorski ", in GHG" Dechko Stoev "Pomorie, HG Kazanlak and NDK Sofia

Curatorial project of Darina Peeva, Atanas Totlyakov and Dobrin Rusenov "Word and Memes" on 09.09. 2021

On 07.10. 2021 Official presentation of the bilingual album "Icons from Strandzha and the region of Burgas", "THIS PROJECT IS IMPLEMENTED WITH THE FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF THE MINISTRY OF CULTURE" The main goal of the project is to present to the general public its rich collection


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Burgas, 24 Mitropolit Simeon Str
Coordinats : 42.49291611, 27.47452354
75 years of Burgas Art Gallery

Contact us

Web : www.burggallery.org
E-mail : burggallery@abv.bg
Phone : +359 842169
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